15 days cold turkey - Withdrawl mayhem


I have been smoking and consuming cannabis every day for 6 years and so on. I never thought I had a problem I just loved to get high and was funcional. I am healthy and even used weed as a form of preworkout. I have been tedering about quitting because I forgot what it is to feel like being sober for weed and looking for an excuse but could not justify the benifits. I am now interviewing for a new job that will drug test me so I quit cold turkey. I never thought it would be this bad. I also admitted weed was addictive, but I always got good grades and kept a steady job. I do not have any temptations or itch to smoke, my girlfriend and roomates still smoke in front of me and I am not bothered by it one bit. What is getting to me is the lack of sleep and crazy messed up dreams, night sweats, constant migranes, and today I woke up and physically cannot stop shaking from anxiety. I am anxious 24/7 and I don’t know how to cope and just want to speed this up. This experience of quitting weed has beed so awful I don’t think I will ever smoke again. I am excersizing a ton and trying to stay bus, but day 15 seems to be the hardest. I am seeking advice and tips on dealing with withdrawal and also want to know when this will end. I am drug testing myself and still failed as of yesterday. Just want this stuff to get out of my body so my brain can get back to normal


Hi Max and welcome to our young (but growing!) community.

First off, congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking weed! It takes a lot of courage to break away from a habit that’s been a part of your life for so long. It’s also great to hear that you’re determined to pass your upcoming job drug test.

Withdrawal symptoms can be tough, and it sounds like you’re experiencing quite a few of them. The physical and emotional effects you’re describing are a result of your body adjusting to the absence of THC. The lack of sleep, intense dreams, night sweats, migraines, and heightened anxiety are all common withdrawal symptoms (you can learn more @ Weed Withdrawal - Weedless.org) .

Withdrawal symptoms vary in intensity and duration from person to person. However, it’s important to remember that these symptoms are temporary and a sign that your body is working to restore its natural balance.

You’re already taking positive steps by exercising and staying busy. These activities can help distract you and improve your overall well-being during this period. Additionally, consider incorporating relaxation techniques into your routine, such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness exercises. These practices can help alleviate anxiety and promote better sleep.

As for the timeline, withdrawal symptoms typically peak within the first few days to a couple of weeks after quitting and gradually subside over the following weeks. However, the timeline can be influenced by factors like the frequency and duration of weed use, your individual body chemistry, and your overall health. See: What Happens When You Stop Smoking Weed Timeline - Weedless.org

Be patient with yourself and understand that everyone’s body detoxifies at its own pace. We will be checking in here so feel free to update us on your progress. You got this!!


Hi Max, I’m a cold turkey guy also after using for 28 years. I’m on day 19 now and feel I’m healing. It’s slowly getting better every day. I’m trying to keep busy and push through. Healthy living is the way to be. You got this. No turning back. March forward and don’t look over your shoulder, leave al the bs behind you. It’s not needed. I downloaded an app that keeps track of the bs, it’s very rewarding to see that in 19 days 147 bowls not smoked , 132 grams not consumed, and $287.00 saved. That’s the bs I left, your doing the same. Keep strong.


Thanks! What is the app?


It’s called “Grounded”


It took you a very long time to get to where you are now.

Withdrawal is a beast, but it can be done.

There are no shortcuts or band aids, just one day at a time. I call it a Slugfest.

Keep exercising, keep busy and try not to focus on every horrible feeling, inability to sleep, crazy and vivid dreams. All of it is your brain and body trying to rid itself of that which literally got into every cell of your body.

I speak from a life of use and abuse. I am presently at over 470 days clean and sober. None of what you are experiencing is permanent. If you stick with it, it will get better. It took me a solid 6 months to really start experiencing what it meant to no longer get stoned!

Sending you hugs and prayers​:hugs::pray::hugs::pray:

Join weedless.org on Facebook for much more support!


I don’t have all the answers as I’m about 13 days myself. All I can say from my experience is that there are massive ebbs and flows. For example yesterday I thought I was doing pretty well and was able to eat, sleep, and not snap at anyone. Day later and I’m a total basket case today.

I don’t have any of the temptations really anymore it’s just all headgames.

I’m a physical therapist myself and realizing how much brain fog and control weed had over me just kinda made me say no and go cold turkey. Having my young daughter and wife helps with that motivation.

Having said that.
Tea( anything calming)
Reading /shows/video games -anything to occupy your brain as that is what the weed was doing .

The anxiety is brutal. Some days just overwhelming and you have to give yourself a break and realize you will have bad days.

Stay strong

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You are so lucky to have your wife and daughter for motivation, many people are all alone.

You should be proud of yourself that you decided to stop the madness!

Your personal strategies are all top shelf and yes the road ahead will be a rough one, but is temporary! A took a long time to get to where it was when you decided to leave the Weed behind, it is going to take time, lots of time to achieve homeostasis.

Sending you many​:pray::hugs::pray::hugs::pray:



You used for six years you are in for a long and challenging rollercoaster ride. It took you that long to get to where you are now.

There are not shortcuts, time, patience and perseverance is how you will get to where you want to be.

Unfortunately that is the price we pay for use and abuse.

Join weedless.org on Facebook for lots of support and seeing what others have done!